Terms of Reference

Rights of Older Persons Australia (ROPA)
For a UN Convention on the Human Rights of Older Persons

Terms of Reference

1. ROPA’s Vision

A world where older persons enjoy all human rights and fundamental freedoms on the basis of equality with persons at all other ages and life stages and in a manner that reflects the particular contexts of older persons’ lives.

2. ROPA’s Mission

To achieve a public commitment of support and decisive action by the Australian Government, both domestically and internationally, for the creation and implementation of a UN Convention on the Human Rights of Older Persons.

3. ROPA’s Functions

The functions of ROPA are:
   a. to offer a loose engagement and networking structure and processes (built around the Vision and Mission) for civil society organisations and active individuals who support our Vision and Mission to work collectively for the adoption and implementation of a UN Convention on the Human Rights of Older Persons
   b. to coordinate strategy and advocacy for those engaging under the ROPA umbrella
   c. to collaborate with ‘fellow travellers’, stakeholders and other supporters beyond civil society who also seek a new UN Convention on the Human Rights of Older Persons
   d. to undertake other activities that will promote the achievement of the Mission and Goals of ROPA.

4. ROPA’s Goals

ROPA aims to achieve the following goals:

a. Australian representatives to the UN actively championing and constructively participating in in the negotiation and adoption of a Convention through the UN system.
b. The establishment by Ministers-responsible of a multistakeholder group in Australia comprising older Australians from diverse backgrounds (including First Nations and non-English speaking backgrounds) and circumstances (such as aged care service users) and civil society advocacy groups to inform Australia’s contribution to the UN Convention drafting process.
c. Commitment by Australian Governments to sign and ratify the Convention and any additional Optional Protocols; to update Australian law, policy and practice to ensure the full implementation of the Convention in Australia; and to undertake a community education campaign to promote the benefits of the Convention and how it will operate in practice.

5. Membership

    a. The membership of ROPA will comprise those civil society organisations and individuals, supporters and advocates who publicly endorse the vision, mission, function and goals of the collaboration.

Inaugural Members
    b. The inaugural members of ROPA shall be those organisations and individuals who registered for or attended the Roundtable on Australia and a new UN Convention on theHuman Rights of Older Persons on 24 June 2022.

Admission of New Members
    c. Other organisations or individuals who publicly support the Vision, Mission and Goals of ROPA may apply to ROPA for admission as a member.
   d. The Interim Coordinating Group may admit as a member any organisation or individual who satisfies the criterion set out in paragraph c.
   e. ROPA members are not precluded from, and in fact are encouraged to continue, theirown separate advocacy and other efforts in support of a UN Convention on the Human Rights of Older Persons.

6. Governance: Establishment of Interim Coordinating Group

a. There shall be a small Interim Coordinating Group, whose foundation members (see names in Annex A) will serve from July 2022 until the end of April 2023, when the membership of the group will be reviewed.

Functions and Responsibilities
   b. The Interim Coordinating Group is responsible for
i. endorsing new members of ROPA
ii. coordinating delivery of ROPA’s Advocacy Strategy
iii. fostering collaboration both among ROPA members and with external stakeholders on efforts for a new Convention
iv. providing a central point for decision-making, information dissemination andengagement
v. ensuring at least one member of the group participates in each Working Group to   facilitate good communications between layers of ROPA
vi. negotiating and removing obstacles to ROPA’s smooth running and successful advocacy
vii. maintaining the focus on ROPA’s agreed scope of work and goals
viii. monitoring and managing the factors and risks outside ROPA’s control that are critical to its success
ix. making public statements on behalf of ROPA (following prior consultation with members on the making and content of any statement where time permits).

7. Working Groups

a. There shall be a number of Working Groups established to achieve particular outcomes, for varying lengths of time, including:
i. those agreed at the initial Roundtable on 24 June 2022, and
ii. other working groups which the Interim Coordinating Group decides to establish.
b. Membership in all groups is on a volunteer basis.
c. Working Groups are responsible for
i. contributing to scoping tasks delegated to them by the Interim Coordinating Group and then delivering on them
ii. making recommendations to the Interim Coordinating Group when decisions committing ROPA to positions or courses of action are required

8. Meetings

   a. Meetings will be held as often as decided by each group and will be offered online to maximise involvement.
   b. The facilitation of the meetings and note keeping for the Interim Coordinating Group will rotate among members on an ad hoc basis
   c. The facilitation of the meetings and note keeping for working groups will be conducted by the representative of the Interim Coordinating Group who is present, or other Working Group member as agreed.
   d. A meeting quorum will be no less than one third of the regular members of that group.
   e. Recommendations and decisions in all meetings will be made by consensus (i.e.members are satisfied with the decision even though it may not be their first choice). If consensus is not possible, a decision or recommendation may be adopted by majority vote of those present as a final resort.
   f. Draft meeting agendas and meeting notes will be provided by the facilitator for each meeting, and in the case of Working Groups, will also be provided to the Interim Coordinating Group.

9. Terms of Reference: Role, Commencement, Termination and Amendment

   a. These Terms of Reference are effective from July 2022 and will be ongoing until terminated by agreement between the parties.
   b. These Terms of Reference may be amended, varied or modified in writing after consultation with ROPA members.
   c. These Terms of Reference are not intended to create legal relations between the members of ROPA.